Sunday, June 9, 2013

Love Through the Ages

  Ahh, love, l'amour!  That good old-fashioned thing that has changed with the course of time. In the beginning, as George Carlin so aptly put it, started out with the amoebas who created the very first pick up line:  "Take half my body, please!"

  Then, as evolution progressed, came the dinosaurs throughout the many eras. Cretaceous, Jurassic and Triassic. Well, not necessarily in that order, people. Their way of hooking up was to bite, club, smack and beat the living hell out of each other until the most dominant one stood triumphant. He is then rewarded the best female of the herd and schtups away to make even more dominant male babies and/or even more attractive females.

 Now let's continue on into the Ice Age and the age of the Neanderthal. Now, according to some historians, for the Cave Man to get a mate, he went out into the wilderness and searched for the perfect female. I like to refer to this as the "Me John Smith, you future Jane Smith" mentality. A mentality that I feel continues on to this day, however it all depends on your sexual orientation. So anyway, the Cave Man would go out wielding his club or whatever and if he saw a woman he really wanted he would bludgeon her and drag her back to his cave. His MAN CAVE, you might say! I believe this is when the legend of the washing of the very first "Deer Tracks" began.

 And now the evolution of love branches out from Man/Woman love to Man/Man and Woman/Woman love. The entire world, even to this very day, seem to only accept that love and marriage can only occur between a man and a woman. I do not exactly subscribe to that ideology, despite the fact that I am a straight woman and am attracted to the opposite sex. To me, love still can occur between a man and a woman, whether they're straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered or beyond those particular spectrums.

  To me, love is unconditional no matter what it is you love and whom you are in love with. I love my mother unconditionally despite her many faults, same goes for my father. The same applies to my pets even when they shit and piss on my floors just five seconds after I've washed them.

  However, when it comes to loving someone you want to or are already spending the rest of your time with, unconditional love can come with a limit. I know because I have been through this. There was this one guy whom I loved unconditionally without realizing that he only wanted me when HE wanted me. Five years later, I saw the light and dropped him like one stops smoking. Why? Because I was gullible and believed that he did love me and wanted to take his time. Oh, what a fool I was then! Not anymore! I am here and I am free!

  Now, let's make our way into the 21st century version of love. In this day in age, a love between two men and two women is now becoming widely accepted. Even some members of the older generation are coming to accept it, but still, sadly, there is a large group out there consisting of people of various generations who only see a marriage existing between a man and a woman ONLY. Certain members of this "Straight Only" group tend to push their "Man/Woman only" beliefs on those like me who think if gay and lesbian couples want to fall in love, get married, have kids and be as equally miserable like us straight people, then it's fine as wine by me.

  When they hear this come out of me, they get offended and uppity, asking me how can I believe such "garbage." My answer to them: How can you peddle such a monochromatic ideology? To me, a Man/Woman only world is monochromatic to me. I like to see the world in 3D Technicolor, which means love can exist between anyone and everyone.

  You can agree or disagree with me, but this is how I feel. Can you deal with that? I sure hope you can!