Monday, June 11, 2012

September 11th 2001: My EXACT Memories!

Now I am going to touch on this extremely bloody day in American history. I remember where I was, what I was doing and my exact location. I had relocated to Orlando, Florida to work for Walt Disney World for experience, college wise. What a beautiful one! At least until that very day in 2001! I remember waking up and turning on the television and seeing that it was in Spaglish! I did not know what to do, other than just go to work. I saw it all! The smoke, the plane, everything! I saw people leaping out of the towers to escape a fate worse than hell! It's not a sight to dwell on! Not at all! I remember being a small child and my mother taking me to Liberty State Park to let me gaze upon the World Trade Center. I wanted to live there at some part, but that was extremely far-fetched! I remembered my grandpa taking me to Windows on The World for dinner once. I have, regretfully, no memory of this and weep that I should have remembered this. Jesus! September 11th has affected me to my extreme core. I grew up close to the Towers and could almost touch them, literally. For those who praise that they fell in praise of Allah I want to beat the crap out of! To kill in the name of GOD is unacceptable and makes me sick to my stomach! I won't apologize for my feelings because this is how I feel. I am not going to apologize for how my heart feels! Fuck you! You try living in a row house within leg distance of the Trade Center distance and see how you feel! I stand on the driveway of where I used to live and weep for those who didn't have to die. I see them very, very, very clearly on that September day jumping voluntarily out of those windows! Just to escape an inevitable fate of death! It is an extremely haunting and disturbing image to have embedded in your mind! It's carved into my head PERMANENTLY! I can't forget it no matter how I try! I see them leaping out of the windows! I see them begging GOD to forgive them of their sins! I see it all! It is extremely disheartening to me to remember this painful day. An all too painful day! My cousins, Melissa and Megan, were the very first on my mind when those planes went into those Towers. They are my blood through and through regardless. I love them even though I feel they do not have a care for me even when I sob for them to be safe. I believe in unconditional love and to believe in KARMA. Melissa and Megan, I DO LOVE YOU! With my entire heart! You. Are. My. Family. I love you both with my heart! I feel empty without your voices telling me for advice. I am here no matter what! I love you both!

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