Thursday, April 19, 2012

Fifty Shades of Grey: Velma's Thoughts

  Two weeks ago, I was processing an Entertainment Weekly magazine at my desk when I noticed the cover.  It was talking about a book that has been causing quite a stir and have dubbed it "Mommy Porn."  The name of the book was "Fifty Shades of Grey" and it was apparently the talk of the town.  I kept telling myself, "I'm not going to read it.  I'm not going to read it."  But, curiosity was getting the best of me and then I went out for lunch and bought it.  I took it home that night and read it.

  Now the beginning starts off easy, but then I got deeper into it and let's just say...hmm...I turned fifty shades of red and felt something I had not felt in a very long time.  And you ladies out there know what I mean. 

  Aw, fuck it!  I'm going to give it to you straight, no chaser! 

  It was erotic!  It was passionate!  It made me feel like having sex!  Too bad I'm single.

  It stirred the fire inside of me and, you know what, it felt pretty goddamn good! 

  There, I've said it!  Now you can call me a sex maniac all you want now! 

  But, truthfully, this is a book intended for adults and not young teenagers and kids. 

  Now, I am not one for the whole Submissive/Dominant thing, but there are people out there who are really into this thing.  They have whips, chains, butt plugs and vibrators to help them get off on.  And they do!  I'm shocked.

  I am currently reading book three of the trilogy and I am hooked.  Ladies, if you are one who is not into the whole "Sub/Dom" thing but you like romance novels, check out "Fifty Shades of Grey."  Who knows?  You might bring "the spark" back into the bedroom.  You will have me to thank!

  And now, for those of you who are inquiring as to what gives me a thrill in the bedroom department, that's absolutely none of your business.  What I get off on is told between me and whatever boyfriend I have at the time.  So please keep yourself (preferably your eyes) out of my bedroom!  I thank you. 

  If you have already read the book, what did you think of it?  Feel free to comment.

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