Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Tattoos Are A Beautiful Thing...In Some Cases

  In today's modern age, people are getting tattoos left, right and center.  Young and old alike are putting on stuff that has meaning to them or whatever they think is cool.  Some even put their kids' names on them or their mother's name, even pictures of their kids, grandkids or parents.  To me, that is a beautiful thing.  However, in some cases, some people get very irrational and rush into a tattoo that they would come to regret getting later in life. 

  Here are some examples I have come across over the years that I have found funny, but regretful.

  A friend of mine was dating this guy in middle school and it was passionate in a middle school kind of way.  So, one day, she came to school and her arm was covered.  When we asked her what happened, she took off the bandages and showed the name "Brian" ETCHED into her arm.  Now, naturally, our teacher freaks and sends her to the nurse.  At that time, I was like, "How can you be so stupid?!"  Needless to say, word spread throughout the school about her and this guy broke it off with her.  And now, to this day, that name is forever etched into her lower arm.  Lesson here:  Don't EVER etch nor tattoo your significant other's name into your skin because you never know when you're going to break up.

  Another instance of stupidity was a friend got the initials of her favorite boy band tattooed on her.  Now, in the late 90s, Backstreet Boys and Nsync were the top two boy bands.  Now being a young girl with a hormone surge that could be seen from Venus, I was crazy about the Backstreet Boys.  My friend was all about Nsync and she was so crazy about them that her walls in her bedroom were back to back Justin and Lance.  So, one day she declared she was going to show her love for them by getting their name tattooed over her heart.  I didn't take her seriously, but heaven knows I should have given her some advice.  Then, a week later, she comes by my house and, lo and behold, right over her left breast was the band's name.  Shocked and disturbed by this, the first words out of my mind were "Oh, my god, I should've stopped her."  Well, you can tell what happened to Nsync, folks.  So now she's got three kids of her own and I can't help but to laugh my ass off at the visual of her breast feeding her baby with the word "Nsync" permanently etched over her nipple.  Lesson here:  You may love them when you're 17, but when they break up and you've permanently inked them on you, you've got some explaining to do later in life to your kids.

  Now, Tattoos are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen and I am the proud bearer of eight tattoos.  All have meaning to them and I am proud of every single one of them.  But, my rule is to never get a name tattooed on me unless we have been together for a very long time and he eventually kicks the bucket.  I look forward to my future 9th tattoo in the future and encourage you all to look back on these two examples and think before you ink. 


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