Monday, May 7, 2012

You're Driving Me Crazy: Is It Love Or Infatuation?

  Last week, I swore that I would not think about Mr. Anonymous.  That promise to myself lasted about an hour.  He was on my mind when I went to bed at night and again when I woke in the morning.  I am getting extremely frustrated and angry at him for doing this to me.  I hate him right now, but then again I cannot help but to like the schmuck because he is on my mind. 

  This has led me to ask myself once again:  Is this mixed feelings of anger and fondess for Mr. Anonymous love that I am feeling, or is it Infatuation?  I am so confused about these feelings that I feel toward him and hope that he will, someday, realize how I feel about him.  If you read my previous post in regards to this matter, you will read why. 

  I know there is going to be a change in my life coming soon and I am doing as told and accepting that it will happen soon.  Maybe Mr. Anonymous is responsible for my change in my lifestyle and the way I feel.  Or, maybe, it is now my time to be happy and he is going to be part of that happiness that is to come my way.  When it will come is anybody's guess.  I accept whatever Fate has in store for me. 

  And now to Mr. Anonymous, can you get off my mind for a whole day, please?  I do not know whether this is love or infatutation!  So I need my space till I realize what this is I feel towards you.  So please, take a vacation from my mind...but not my heart.


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