Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Deal With Last Names

  Recently, I have been noticing a trend in women, especially ones who get married, that they are hyphenating their last names.  Now, I do not mind this.  It's their choice.  But I wonder one question:  What happens if you break up and you get married again, do you hyphenate your second husband's last name onto your already hyphenated last name?  Yeah, this is the kind of stuff I seriously ponder when the lights suddenly go out. 

  I wonder if in some states or countries that when you get divorced that you are required to hyphenate your last name a second and third, maybe even a fourth, time.  Thank god I know of no such laws in the state of New Jersey.  I would hate to be known as Nicole Jillian Massa-Smythe-Jones-Chuchinsky-Winiford-Van Wickenberg.  Now try saying that five times backwards and forwards.

  This is where I must put forth my own rule:  When and if I get married, I have every single intention of dropping my maiden name in favor of my husband's last name.  When I get married, I am going to take the full Platinum package:  Last name, DNA, any children, the works.  However, if he wants me to hyphenate my last name, I will do that.  I will be more than happy to do that.  I am flexible on this issue. 

  And now, with that out there, now going to go wait for Mr. Mine.

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