Monday, January 9, 2012

Let's Talk Paranormal!: Part Four: Is It For You?

  Now that we've gone over key notes to the Paranormal, now let's discuss if it is truly for you.  I've seen many, many, many episodes of various Paranormal-related shows out there and these are seasoned people.  People that are accustomed to going into dark places armed with just a camera with an IR light and are used to having the LCD act as their eyes.  I have nothing but the greatest respect and love for them.  I consider them my teachers as to how to better conduct myself during investigations. 

  However, there are some who think that just because it looks easy that they can do it and consider themselves a professional Paranormal Investigator.  Well, I'm here to tell you that you are sorely mistaken.  It does not take one investigation to consider yourself a true professional.  It takes many investigations and the critique of seasoned investigators to determine if you are truly cut out to do this.  As far as I'm concerned, I'm still pretty much halfway to becoming one.  But, let's not inflate my ego.

  If you find that this is for you, make note of the following:

1)  You can handle being in the dark for long periods of time.
2)  You're not the least bit afraid of anything that should happen when in the dark.
3)  You can, and with no help at all, operate and manage a Night Vision Camera.
4)  Can do burst EVP sessions without having to turn on a flash light to find the ON button.
5)  When the lights go off, you don't scream like a wuss.
6)  Keep a small part of yourself open to skepticism.  It may or may not be paranormal in nature.
7)  Research your locations before hand.
8)  Know your equipment inside and out before investigating.

  If you find that you cannot handle either aspect of this, then it's not for you and you are just in LUST with the hot lead investigator on a certain paranormal show and are showing a feigned interest in his occupation.  Just stating the fact.  Don't like it?  Screw you, it's my opinion!   

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