Friday, March 2, 2012

In Your Dreams: Aftermath

  In the aftermath of last night's post, I have generated a lot of views and have gotten positive feedback from it.  However, what I did not expect was to be called out myself.  I was informed by a good GAC Family member that the person whom I have called out had decided to call me out.  And she did it in the worst way.  She decided to call me out by calling me a "fucking bitch." 

  Now, I do not mind being called a bitch because, technically, I am a bitch.  But to call me a "Fucking Bitch" is kind of like hitting a beehive with a Louisville Slugger.  Hit me once, you invoke the entire hive and have brought on an entire world of hurt.  Like this same good GAC Family member warned this person, she was playing with fire. 

  I used to watch what I say because I would feel really bad if I hurt someone else's feelings by what I said to them.  However, times have changed and I've grown up and learned from life.  I have discontinued the practice of feeling bad for what I say and feel.  I make no apologies for what I said last night.  It needed to be said and, GOD KNOWS, it needed to be addressed and brought to the table with a side of stuffing and Mashed potatoes. 

  These GAC Fan Crazies, Stalkers, Whores and ZISHES can hate on me all they want and post whatever messages of hatred they would like on my Facebook Wall or on my Twitter timeline.  They can make up rumors about me, call me names and do whatever they want to push me down.  But I have what they do not have:  Dignity and Respect.  I may fall down, but it is only brief.  I get back up, dust myself off and continue on my journey with my head held high. 

  Like I said before and will continue to tell myself from now until my dying day:  I AM UNDEFEATED!

  With that said, I am going to carry on, keep it real, shoot straight from the hip and go on with my life. 


1 comment:

  1. Ima "good" GACfamily member are you sure you know me? I'm very good at bien bad XD jk I know what you mean good as in respectable :) but on another note damn straight hun keep it real and Love is to live any way you please NO APOLIGIES! ((Hugs))
