Monday, March 5, 2012

Who Is Responsible For My Brain??

  I have a lot of people to thank for my thought process and my hard-biting wit, wisdom and humor.  You can say that my inspiration started at childhood.  My family was the very first on the block to have HBO and cable for that matter.  I would often sneak out of my bedroom so I could go and watch the HBO Comedy Specials. 

  The two major comedians who influenced my style and my way of thought, despite the fact that they are long gone, continue to influence me to this day.  Who are those two comedians?  George Carlin and Sam Kinison.  Yes!  A man who inspired to break down the walls by saying those "Seven Dirty Words You Cannot Say on Television." And a man, a former preacher, who wanted to taste it all and not give a flying FUCK about what he said and did. 

  George and Sam, you always have and always will be a continuing influence on my life and will forever shape and mold me into the sharp-witted, hard-biting person that I am today.  I see life through different glasses, not essentially rose-colored but sort of a clearer blue, me thinks.  And I have George and Sam to thank.

  A lot of you out there are probably thinking, "Holy shit!  Those two trash mouths influenced this beautiful young lady?!"  Yeah, they did!  If you don't like it, tough shit!  George Carlin put it so eloquently by saying that there are "Two knobs on the radio."  In this case, in this digital world, there are two "knobs" to the web page.  One takes you to another website and the other closes the window completely.  You don't have to read this post!  You can either go back to the page where you started or you can close it out completely and carry on with your playing the online slot machine with money you do not necessarily have to gamble with in the first place.

  There's the Carlin influence there.  And now onto the Kinison.  Now, Kinison always had problems with women in his life.  He always talked about it in his act and even came up with a very brilliant idea.  This was his way of interacting with his audience, the males in particular.  He would find a guy who had a woman just chew him up and spit him out.  Now, he went around and got several guys to tell their stories.  The one with the worst story was the winner and the special prize:  Call up their ex-girlfriend and scream obscenities at them till they eventually hung up.  Brilliance there!  I would do the same thing, but for the females.  I would line them all up, hear their stories, pick a winner and call up their ex-boyfriend and chew them out till they hung up. 

  I would love to do that to my ex-boyfriend.  I would love to call up that asshole and tell him exactly how I feel about him.  However, I have forgiven him and have moved on with my life and he isn't worth an ounce of my energy nor a second of my time.  He had his chance to explain himself, but he's failing to see what he did wrong.

  And now, I leave you with two clips of my heroes at their absolute finest. 


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