Thursday, March 22, 2012

What The Ghost Adventures Crew Have Done For Me

  I became a huge fan of the show back in 2010 when I started to make changes to my life.  I will never forget being inside the Willard Intercontinental Hotel in Washington DC on a Friday night.  I was having trouble sleeping and I rarely, if ever, go to bed at 9pm.  But that was then and this is now.  But anyways, I turn on the Travel Channel to see what's on and, lo and behold, there was Zak, Nick and Aaron on a lockdown.  Forgive my ever fading memory and don't hang me by my thumbs, but I don't remember the exact episode that I was watching.

  And I thought to myself, "Wow!  I believe in ghosts, but I never knew there was a show out there like this."  Now, I've seen "Ghost Hunters" before and the show was okay.  But something about these guys just sparked my interest in the Paranormal and Ghost Hunting.  I've always had an interest in doing something like this, but out of fear of being labeled a weirdo, I went and lived a "normal" existence.  But, the Ghost Adventures Crew put that spark back into me and for that I thank them.

  I will also tell you what else they have done for me.  I have been going to Ghost Adventures/Darkness Radio events for over a year now.  I really enjoy going to them!  Here's the story about my very first event. 

  It was at The Stanley Hotel in March 2011 and when I got there I didn't know a single person there.  I was there by myself and did not know anybody other than those I talked to online.  Then, I met Zory, the GAC Intern, and she welcomed me into the GAC Family.  Just the kindest, warmest and kick butt person I've ever met.  Then I met the Darkness Radio family, who also made me feel welcomed as well.  I met Susan, Mallie and Dave, who are just absolutely fantastic hosts.  In addition, I got to meet Mark and Debby Constantino, Chris Fleming, Aaron Sagers and Jeff Belanger, another group of awesome people. 

  Then, I met Zak, Aaron and Billy.  The guys who put the spark back in me and made me turn myself around for the absolute best.  I was a little shy at first when I met them, nervous too.  But, I kept my cool and introduced myself to them.  They were really nice to me and autographed their photos for me.  Now, it was my birthday but I was too shy to even ask them to wish me a happy birthday.  At least I told them later on and I got it! Yay! 

  After the event at the Stanley ended, I had found myself from having very few close friends to having an ARMY of them.  So close we can smell each other's B.O.!  However, I knew that I would be coming back for more events. 

  Three weeks later, I found myself at Ohio State Reformatory and made more new friends in the GAC and Darkness Radio family.  But, if there is anything from this event that I have learned, you keep your friends close and stay as far the FUCK AWAY from the Crazies as you possibly can!  Enough said!

  In the course of the summer, I had come to an epiphany:  I am no longer going to go to Disney World every single year for the rest of my life!  I am going to do GAC and Darkness Radio events until the day I die and they'll have to find my ass floating around!  And here's what my EVP will be:  Sunflower. 

  I am still going to these events so if you happen to be at one of them look for a 5'7" tall red head in glasses wearing a Big Steppin' hoodie.  Stop me and I will say hi and figure out if you friended me on Facebook or stalk me on Twitter.  Just kidding!

  In addition, The Ghost Adventures Crew have taught me a lot at how to conduct myself during an investigation.  They taught me to not wear squeaky shoes (Thanks, Zak!), tag my audio whenever I have to sneeze, walk or burp, and to say thank you afterwards for communicating with me.  I am also doing non-event investigations as well, too!  I have gone out on my own with a team of investigators out of Virginia and we investigated Gettysburg and Bobby Mackey's Music World.  I had a lot of fun and I've gotten much more enjoyment out of it than I did when I repeatedly went to Disney World and rode "It's a Small World" over and over again. 

  Which reminds me...Hey, Zak, if you read this, you do not want to go on "It's A Small World"!  LOADED with dolls and, one time I was on there, a doll's head actually exploded off its body and landed in the water near ME!  If it had been you, you'd have been swimming for the exit!  Enough said!

  I now conclude by telling you that the Ghost Adventures Crew has done so much for me.  They put the spark AND the spunk back in me to realize what I want to truly do from now until my time has come to pick the place where I will haunt people for eternity, or at least until I find the Light.  They have introduced me to people who didn't think they were weird for believing in the same things I thought I was weird for.  They have stopped me from doing the same thing every year and have gotten me into something I really want to do over and over again.  They may not know this, but they have done more for me than they realize.  For that, I humbly thank them and show them nothing but love and respect. 

  Zak Bagans, Nick Groff, Aaron Goodwin, Billy Tolley, thank you so much! 

  XOXO Velma

  My favorite scene thus far!  Zak, I hope you're not still mad about that Clown doll I sent you at ScareFest!  ((Hiding Behind Wall))

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