Sunday, March 4, 2012

In Your Dreams: The Nightmare Continues

  Now, I have had a lot of success with my last two posts, so now I feel the need to add a third...must to my dismay!  Here I thought I was done with the whole GAC Fan Girls, Crazies, Stalkers, Whores and ZISHES.  Sadly, I am NOT DONE!

  Just now, thanks to a good friend, I was informed that someone, clearly who has not read my blog posts, has posted that they are in a relationship with, you guessed it, Zak Bagans.  And, once more, I had to report and block this knucklehead for false information.  If I had my way in life, I would find her address via Google Maps, drive there and, once she answered the door, I would bitch slap her till she begged for her mommy. 

  Come on, we've all had our cheery Teenaged fantasies at one point.  Hell!  My mother even dreamed of marrying Donny Osmond, but got me as a Consolation Prize instead.  Swell 20th birthday present, right?  Donny Osmond or a baby that will grow up, quit college and blame her miserable existence on you while you blame the outcome of your life on her! 

  In my case, I've always dreamed I would marry Kevin Richardson of the Backstreet Boys.  However, reality didn't step in until well into my late 20s to tell me that Kevin Richardson would never, ever be mine.  You can say he was way out of my league.  But, anyway, I look at these teenaged girls who fawn over pop icons such as Justin Bieber, Chris Brown, Kid Cudi and Zak Bagans, and I see my teenaged self through them.  I honestly want to tell them the GOD'S honest truth which my own family had failed to do when I was their age.

  That advice:  "Sweetheart, you may have an obsession with them now, but wait till you are a little bit older and someone who will absolutely blow your mind away will leave this one in the dust.  Trust me!" 

  I wish I had this advice when I got physically sick and vomited over the news that Kevin Richardson was marrying someone other than me back in college.  Then the blow would have been much more less devastating.  Yeah, I did throw up over the news.  For a teenaged girl, news that the man of "your dreams" is marrying someone else will do that to you.

  But now, I must do the following and show you the exact, AND DEAD HONEST REASON, why I feel the guys no longer do public events aside from other projects and busy work schedules.  Please note!

Jail bait age, wearing a mini dress.  Yeah, total ZISH example here.  TOWN BICYCLE SKANK HERE!!!

1 comment:

  1. It one thing for a teenager or young lady to be obssesed but the one inpaticular that started the drama is in her fucking 30s older then me and I have more common sense! Many hugs nicole keep on doing what you do and enjoy it hugs -Rachel
