Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Justice for Trayvon Martin

  Today I turned on the news and saw something that both shocked and angered me.  In Sanford, Florida last month, a 17-year-old boy named Trayvon Martin went to the store for some Skittles and Iced Tea.  On his way back, he was spotted by a man named George Zimmerman, who thought he looked suspicious and proceeded to call 911.  Rather than proceed to let the police come and do their job, he followed Trayvon and caught up with him.  Then Mr. Zimmerman accosted him and a scuffle ensued.  Another person called 911 to ask police come and intervene on a scuffle occuring outside her house.  The shouts of Trayvon could be heard in the 911 call.  Shouts for "Help" and "Help Me," but help never came.  Mr. Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon that night, taking the life of a promising young man.  When the police arrived, Mr. Zimmerman said he did it in self-defense and that he was doing his duty as a Neighborhood Watch volunteer

  Now, you think that's the end of the story, right?  Sadly, this is just the beginning of a great injustice.  And I am here to tell you why. 

  George Zimmerman, a man who once aspired to be a cop, suffered from something called "Hero Syndrome" according to an article.  He went to college to study criminal justice.  He legally carried a gun and took pride in his self-appointed role as Captain of the Night Patrol at the town house commons where he lived.  He would go door-to-door telling the neighbors to watch out for "Young Black Men" and go around at night walking his dog and carrying this gun.  In addition, he called 911 50 times within a span of months about suspicious activity, windows open, break-ins, etc. 

  If you ask me, the "job" had clearly gone to his head and upon seeing a "young black male" walk past his window, his overzealousness overcame him in his quest to be a "Hero."  Here was his opportunity to become a hero and it was walking past his front window.  Right place, right time for Mr. Zimmerman.  Wrong time, wrong place for poor Trayvon.

  I am in no way shape or form praising Mr. Zimmerman for his "heroic actions."  What I see is not heroic at all.  I call it an opportunity for murder.  A muder in cold blood all for selfish purposes of wanting to be a "Hero." 

  George Zimmerman, you are no hero at all!  Trayvon Martin's blood is on your hands and it is there still.  I hope when you go to bed at night that you see his face and you hear his voice still calling for "help" as you so viciously took his life the night of February 26th.  In truth, I do not know how you sleep at night knowing that you killed someone and you're walking around free when you ought to be in a jail cell.  You are no hero!  You are a murderer!  A slime bag!  And I hope you get what you deserve:  LIFE IN PRISON OR THE DEATH PENALTY! 

  Please, to those of you who read this, please take your time and sign the petition to help bring this young man's killer to justice.  Let's show this MURDERER he is not a HERO.


  I know nothing can bring Trayvon Martin back, but let's do something and bring justice for his family.  Let's put Mr. Zimmerman in jail where he belongs. 


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