Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Back To The Gym

  As many of you know, I have struggled for years with my weight and health.  I used to think getting fit was never for me.  However, in recent months, I found myself, for once in my life, sticking to something.  I mean, REALLY sticking to something.  That somthing was going back to the gym and getting toned up and fit.  Something I never thought I would ever do.

  In addition, I stopped drinking soda (on my 8th day, thank you!) and also gave up on candy (with the exception of lollipops).  I have replaced the soda with SmartWater and Trenta Unsweetened Green Teas from Starbucks.  Why lollipops?  I do, every now and then, need a wee bit of sugar and because it's the right size as well.

  Anyways, I have gone to various gyms over the years and have felt very uncomfortable in them.  I would get very uncomfortable and very self-conscious about people looking at me.  However, I came to this particular gym because I knew people that went there.  And there is a "Muscle Maker Grill" right next door as well.  So, I said to myself, "At last!  A place I can be myself at!  No one is going to judge me at this place!  Where the hell has this place been?!" 

  So, I go in my first time and the first thing I do is put in my buds (Thanks, Billy Tolley!), crank the DJ Inferno mixes that I downloaded onto my iPod (Thanks again, Billy!) and do some killer Cardio work out (Thank you, Tread Mill!).  After over an hour on the tread mill, I go and get my stuff from the locker.  Then I see the Aquatic Center and that prompted me to purchase a bathing suit, which is something I never wear and I live near the beach to begin with.  A pool!  Yay!  Now I don't have to worry if the paparazzi is going to be around to take pictures of my ass. 

  This Friday morning, I have got a very important appointment with a personal trainer.  I know what you're probably saying, "You're doing it on your own.  Why need a personal trainer?"  First off, I don't know what the hell I'm doing.  Second, I need the discipline and motivation.  Third, I am a very rigid person now so I need someone to be rigid along with me, exercise wise. 

  And now, as I go down the path of fitness, I look forward to a slimmer, more healthier me.  Gone are the days of being over 300 lbs and unhappy.  No mas to the eating to cope.  Adieu fried chicken and soda.  Now onto greener pastures. 


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