Saturday, February 11, 2012

It's All About Angles

  Tonight I was saddened to hear of the passing of Whitney Houston.  At just 48 years old, she had it all:  Talent, Heart and Beauty.  I was shocked when I saw it via Twitter from Zak Bagans.  I just could not believe it!  I turned on the news and saw that it was all true.  Now, in between watching CNN and checking Tweets, I noticed that one of my followers sent a message to him.  What I saw offended me. 

  This person suggested to him to do an episode around Whitney Houston hauntings.  Excuse me?!  She just died and you're making a suggestion like that NOW?!  I was not about to sit idly by and I sent her a message asking her "Don't you think you're saying that a bit too soon?" The answer I got back did not settle things for me, "No. It's an idea birthed out of something sad.  Death is a natural part of life."  THAT automatically deserved a block and so I ended the conversation with "If you think that idea is a good idea, you need your head examined.  #Blocked." 

  I thank god for my GAC Family for supporting me in following suit of unfollowing and blocking her.  What she said was stupid, way out of line and way, way too soon.  Whitney Houston just died.  Her body is not even in the ground and you have the gall to suggest that?!  That's tasteless and not classy. 

  Now onto the subject of angles.  People may agree with me in my thinking that she said it way too soon and was out of line.  Some might think that yeah, maybe it is a good idea and that I was out of line.  Others might say that I am overreacting entirely.  Like I said, it's all about angles.  Think about it. 

  Now, in memory of Whitney, here is a song I used to play over and over again as a child in the 80s.  Enjoy!


1 comment:

  1. That's what family does. Sure, we wanna strangle each other sometimes, but we also try to help each other out.

    Like I said on Twitter, I never really was a big fan, though I've always thought she had talent. Regardless if you are a fan or not, she's still a human being that should be treated with respect. If you are the type to make jokes, wait a few months before doing so, out of respect for her fans, friends, and/or family.

    People always post BS like that thinking the celeb will never see it. Not true. It may be a while, but they are bound to stumble upon it eventually.

    Anyway, blocked and reported.
