Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Quittin' Cola Cold

  I have been drinking soda for the longest time, eversince my early teens or even further back than that.  Now, you can imagine all the various products I've tried over the years.  Pepsi, Crystal Pepsi, Sprite, 7 Up, Pepsi Java, Tab, Dr. Pepper, the list goes on.  But, in my adult years, I found myself consuming Diet Coke and Caffeine Free Diet Coke by the case.  I would leave for work with Diet Coke in hand almost every day. 

  It wasn't until recent information provided to me by great and kind friends that I finally realized that I am consuming vast amounts of chemicals and stuff that is bad for my body.  So, this morning as I woke up wanting my customary can of chemicals, I told myself, "Don't even think about going in that garage!  Do you want to live longer?"  The answer was clear. 

  Today, as I drove to work, I stopped at the only convenience store I do trust to serve good food AND to have the calorie count listed on their website:  Wawa's.  So I pick up a breakfast sandwich and a bottle of Glaceau SmartWater.  My head and body were tempted to turn to the left where the Coca Cola products were, but my body turned towards the Honest Tea Honey Green Tea.  My hands reached out, grabbed one and hurried to pay for my breakfast.  I hopped into my Velma-mobile and sped the rest of the way to work without even thinking about it.  Yay me!

  So, to my GAC family out there, before you grab that extraordinarily tempting ice cold can of Coca Cola or Pepsi or whatever your poison may be, look on the side of the can and read the ingredients.  Then, Google each ingredient and then promptly throw the can away without even opening it.  Enough said. 

  It has been three hours and sixteen minutes and I am already experiencing the Cold Turkey effect.  Nausea, irritability, chills, etc.  However, my goal remains clear:  I am going into my garage tonight, taking all the cans of Coca Cola and Diet Coke that I see before me, open them up and dump them down the toilet.  My resolve is very strong.  I have never been this sure and strong since I dumped my ex-boyfriend.

  For now, I am just going to have to live with the Cold Turkey effects a la Rodney Dangerfield in "Easy Money."  You will see what I mean here.



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