Thursday, February 23, 2012

You Are Out Of My League!

  There are men in this world who act like they are God's gift to women.  Some act like they can get the girl, but feels she is either not their type or out of their league.  Then there are those who are a combination of both.  They think they are God's gift to women AND proceed to go after those women who are not their type AND are way out of their league.  Where I work, I get approached by these fruitcakes who feel like I am just their type and in their league.  To this I just want to say, "Dude, you're delusional!  Leave me alone!"

  Here are a few of these guys that I have encountered over the years.

1)  "Out of My League" Religiously:  I have known this guy for years and always thought he was a nice guy.  That is until he became my friend on Facebook and began to ask me out.  I kept refusing.  It wasn't until he began to say he wanted to get with me that I had to tell him that I wasn't ready.  This all on the heels of a bad break up, too.  The end result was him being blocked from ever following me on both Facebook and Twitter.  Reason:  He was out of my league, religiously.  This guy is from a community where their kind are not allowed to date outside their community AT ALL.  Even if I did express interest, I would have lost my job because this community has the ability to make such an action necessary.  Yeah, they are THAT strict.  Inquire, if you must.

2)  "Out of My League" Socially:  This Emmy-Award winner has been trying for over a year to get me to go out with him.  As usual, I refused.  However, unlike the last guy, he does it in person rather than through the Social Networks I frequent.  And he does it frequently.  He keeps asking me to go see a play with him.  I say no.  He wants me to go to a movie with him.  I say no again.  He nearly runs out in front of my car while I am driving it and gives me "The Stalker" look.  I brushed it off, but that very day I bought a can of Pepper Spray.  I have no interest in him.  Why?  He's out of my league, socially.  I don't know him.  I don't know who he hangs around with.  Therefore, he has no chance with me.

3)  "Out of My League" PERIOD!:  This guy, who has since been banned, has tried numerous times to ask me out and has even gone as far as to proposing marriage to me.  I do not want anything to do with this guy for a reason.  He is unemployed.  He spends most of the day drunk.  He just hangs out on a street corner.  I got flashes of my future had I stooped down to his level:  Working while he mooches off of me and not paying any attention to the kids.  I lied and told him I was involved with someone, which I am obviously not.  He's out of my league, PERIOD!  Enough said!

  I do not know why these idiot men think they have any kind of chance with me!  I like to say they are under delusions of grandeur, but that's just being cruel to be kind.  I just want to flat out tell these three they have no chance in hell with me and to leave me the hell alone. 

  I know what you're thinking.  You're all probably thinking that my standards are set a little high.  But, come on, I have to for the following reasons.  Have some tea and sympathy for me.


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