Monday, February 27, 2012

The (Twitter) Grudge: Ode To Le Freak

  I joined Twitter two years ago as a way of connecting to the world.  As if Facebook wasn't enough, now I've added Twitter to my Social Network resume, right?  I found myself making all kinds of connections and friends in the Def Leppard world as well as the Paranormal.  But, prior to my foray into the Paranormal, it was mainly Def Leppard.  So I befriended this person on Twitter, whom I will call LC.  She had posted that she had a heart condition and was living on modest means.  So, I gave her some sympathetic advice and she thanked me and started following me.  Here is where it gets...hmm...scary...WAIT...downright crazy!  There we go!

  Now, she followed me around as well as my good friend, Stee, whom I met on Twitter.  It was okay after a while, but then we both took notice that LC was becoming quite overbearing.  Strike that!  EXTREMELY overbearing and EXTREMELY EXTREMELY needy.  She would send direct messages in abundance and Tweet in EXTRA abundance.  She would almost always used her heart ailment as a way of gaining followers and sympathy from both regular people as well as celebrities who are on Twitter.  If you ask me, I think she is using and abusing that card. 

  I turned a blind eye to this for a while, but then the shit hit the fan.  It all occured when I went away to California for a 5 day weekend.  This was my very first trip to Disneyland and I was extremely excited to be going there.  On my first day, I was on my way into the Magic Kingdom and I hear my Twitter alert go off.  It was LC, wanting to know what I was doing and where I was going.  I ignored it because I was too interested in seeing "Captain EO" to answer.  As I was about to enter, Twitter alert goes off again.  Her again, wanting to know why I wasn't answering.  Ignored it, carried on with the ride and then onto the Matterhorn.  On the Matterhorn, Twitter alert and LC again.  Again, ignoring it.  Go on the Haunted Mansion and having lunch at the Royal Street Cafe.  Twitter Alert! 

 Imagine eating your Jambalaya and having to CHOKE on it due to aggravation!  Needless to say, I was becoming increasingly AGGRAVATED!  Here I was supposed to be relaxing and already I wanted to kick Goofy in the nuts!  Stee finally came to my rescue in a Twitter mention asking LC to kind of give me a break because I was on vacation.  I thanked her for that and hoped that the incessant messages would stop.  Wishful thinking!

  The evening went splendidly and I ended it with a pizza from Naples.  I did want to see the fireworks, but it was incredibly windy so they cancelled them.  So, I turned in early and watched some "Storytime with Belle," which can put one out instantaneously.  So, I'm fast asleep, dreaming about my Prince Charming and then just as I was about to kiss him...ah haha...hmm...TWITTER ALERT FROM LC!!  And it came at the Witching Hour!  3 o'clock in the morning!

  Oh, yeah!  Ohhh, yeah!  I was about to ride off into my Happily Ever After and she wakes me up!  And what did she wake me up for?  "How is your vacation?"  I was going to say, "AWFUL!  You're ruining it for me!  Cut the crap already I'm trying to sleep!!" However, I did not want to come across as a heartless bitch.  So what did I do?  Same as before.  Ignored it.  The next day, I sent a Tweet to Stee to tell her.  She was utterly gobsmacked.  Then I later discovered that LC had unfollowed me.  Four hours later, she followed me again and sent me a message.  I couldn't answer because I was on the Finding Nemo ride.  Two hours later, she unfollowed me.  3 am later that night, she followed me and sent me a Tweet.

  The next to last day at Disneyland, my vacation already in tatters, I finally had it up to Space Mountain with her antics and had to block her.  So I salvaged the rest of my vacation and made the most of it.  Then I went home and thought the whole LC matter was over and done with.  Again, Wishful Thinking!  She managed to change her account and followed me once again.  To this, I immediately blocked her because she ruined one too many vacations for me.  Then she made Stee wonder why and that was when Stee finally called her out on it and made no apologies for it.  Glad she did.

  And all was now quiet on the Western Front.  Until a few days ago when I was reading my email and saw a message from Stee.  LC was back and, in her wake, caused a celebrity to block Stee from following her.  This has happened with Stee once before with LC and, to know this is happening again, really angers me.  And I am one who only gets angry if anyone or anything hurts my friends or my family. 

  Now I have a message for LC, if she has the sand to read this:  Enough is Enough!  You have gone on long enough using your heart ailment as both a crutch and a card!  You have spread vicious lies about my friend and, more than likely, about me as well.  I know your game and I cannot believe you are still playing it after all this time.  When are you going to let go of this fucking grudge you have with my friend?!  She has been blocked by celebrities who follow her because of your lies about her!  I am here to tell you now that your fucking bullshit ends today.  The buck stops here!  Your lies about my friend stop TODAY!  And if you start up again, I will chew you up and spit you out like you were a piece of gum!  BET THAT!

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