Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ode To Le Freak. Part 2: What?! You Bitch!!

  Now, in addition to her over neediness and overbearing Tweeting, LC was also very petty and insulting towards me.  Now, in the looks department, I am not a bad looking woman.  As a matter of fact, I think I look even better now than I did when I was younger.  It just took a lot of life lessons, a gastric by-pass and a few bumps in the road to get me started on my way to hotness. 

  So anyways, I was being followed by the tour manager of a band Stee and I were big fans of.  And he also followed Stee as well.  LC wanted him to follow her as well and, in her usual fashion, tweeted to him over and over to follow her and mentioned me in one of those tweets.  I just went "yeah, yeah, yeah, she's cool."  He and Stee both knew that I did not appreciate her involving me in this.  So, his response back to her was "Sorry, it's nothing personal." 

  In my eyes, he was being nice.  In LC's, that was her time to strike.  And the person she attacked first was me.  She then replied, "Oh, I guess you only follow the pretty ones."  Can we say "OUCH!" all together here, people?  In addition, uncalled for and petty.  When I saw that tweet, I knew she meant me.  It made me angry, don't get me wrong, but I chose to overlook it because I was being nice at the time.  In truth, I wanted to say to her, "What?!  You bitch?!"  But I knew I was better than that, still do.

  So LC, here is another message for you to chew on:  What you said I knew was directed right at me.  And you were my "friend" at the time.  I let it go because sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me.  I am a much better person than you are.  I do not do petty and piddly shit like use my ailment to get people to talk to me on Twitter.  I do not befriend people and then go behind their backs talking shit about them.  If I knew you were talking smack that wasn't true about me, I'd have unfollowed and blocked you LONG before you ruined my vacation.  I am a really good person with a really good heart, sense of humor and I make friends quite easily by being myself.  Unlike you, I don't flood celebrities' timelines with pleas to follow you because of your bad heart.  It's their choice to follow me.  If they follow me, good.  If not, it's all good.  I won't beg and plead and send incessant tweets saying I have terminal cancer and will die if you don't follow me. 

  And now I conclude with the following:  Grow up!  It's only Twitter.  So Dwight Yoakam isn't following you.  No big deal!  Take a break from Twitter and find something to do with your time other than waste it begging and pleading celebrities to follow you because you are ill.  Why not try jigsaw puzzles?  They are a great way to pass the time in between Tweets.  Find a nice, complicated one, preferably one containing 5,000 pieces and it's a Van Gogh. 

  Moving on...

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