Sunday, December 11, 2011

"Ghost Adventures" and Me

  Last year, when my life was changing for the best, I took a trip to Washington DC with my mother.  We were staying at the Willard Intercontinental Hotel, which is haunted by the spirit of Ulysses S. Grant.  Now, my mother and I were a little nervous about staying there for that reason.  So, we both went to bed and, of course, I could not sleep so I decided to watch television.  I turn on the Travel Channel and, lo and behold, I came across the show "Ghost Adventures."  I was hooked immediately and was awe-struck at how they went in with cameras blazing and pumped up for the lockdown. 

  Now, I've always believed in the ghosts and had my very first encounter at five years old.  Here's the story.  When I was five, my family and I lived in this house that was across the street from an empty warehouse.  Now, I always thought that it was haunted and would often stay up late at night to see if I could see ghosts coming out of it.  However, I had no idea that the ghost I would eventually see would be in my own home. 

  My uncle is a drummer and always kept his drum set inside the garage, which was downstairs.  And I was always told to never play or mess with his kit because I would get into trouble.  And me, being a little kid, I didn't listen work a fuck and would defy my family by playing on it.  But it was one night when I was committing my act of defiance by playing on his drum kit.  Then, I suddenly stopped and began to look around because I thought something was staring at me.  Like I was being watched very, very closely.  Then, I turned my head around to the garage door and I saw through the window something drop down.  It had stringy hair and dead eyes and it was glaring at me.  I freaked out, dropped the drum sticks and ran upstairs to get my grandfather.  They all looked outside and inside for this and there was nothing there.  They chalked that up to a vivid imagination and promptly sent me to a child therapist, thinking that I was also CRAZY!

  Now, with that said, I was made to feel weird because I saw and believed in this stuff.  And people would tell my family that I was a weird child and my family chastised me for this so much that I finally started to keep to myself.  I stopped talking about it and went on to try and be a "normal" teenager and adult.  But I still longed to explore this realm that I know to exist and to be able to show people "Hey, this is real!"  But, I was scared to death to even speak of it without upsetting my family.  And it really made me feel...angry, anxious that I could not talk about it. 

  It was also around this time I ended this with my ex that I discovered "Ghost Adventures" and it couldn't have come at a better time.  I started to make friends on Facebook and Twitter and I got involved in my first paranormal society as an associate member and started out.  I started out with legends in my home state before I finally took the "BIG STEP" and went to my first OFFICIAL investigation at The Stanley Hotel.  And all is history!

  "Ghost Adventures" is the best show out there right now and these four amazing guys do it full time.  They are passionate about it and I love how they show the skeptics out there that this is real and that it's all around us.  They are true to their word when they say "Extreme and Raw," they mean it.  That is why I will be a loyal GAC supporter forever and always. 

  In addition, Zak, Aaron and Billy (I have yet to meet Nick) are the greatest and sweetest guys I have ever met.  They aren't quiet and standoffish.  They are fun people to hang around and be around.  I've met them several times and each time has been a blast.  I look forward to seeing them all again in the year of 2012 because I have now planned my entire vacation schedule around their events.  I have Zak, Nick, Aaron, Billy, Dave, Jeff, Chris and Zory to thank for this.  Thank you guys! 

  So, let's bring back some hysterical memories and watch some Vlogs!

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