Tuesday, December 13, 2011

They Do This To Drive Me Crazy On Purpose!

  Did you ever have one of those days where everyone and everything seem to do the above subject matter?  I have had those kinds of days when it seems everyone and everything is doing crap to me deliberately.  In addition to the people I live with, it is also complete strangers and a few friends.  I will now give you a run down of the things that I think were done to me deliberately to drive me crazy, piss me off and caused me to scream (I won some awesome investigating gear for my last effort.) 

  One day, I left for work early and I was happy to get out of the house because my cougar aunt and her toddler boyfriend were driving me batty.  I get about halfway towards my destination and I get behind the one car with that one driver who is going at two speeds:  Slow and Stop.  And no matter how hard I try to get around them, they deliberately slow up more on me causing me further ire and annoyance.  Then they finally turn and this fruitcake doesn't turn his signal on until AFTER he makes the turn!  Mr. Slow Ride was also slow to respond as well. 

  When I am shopping and I go to check out, I always make it a habit to have some change in my person just in case the few people ahead of me decide to "rob" the cashier of all the $1 and $5 bills with their amassed supply of $20, $50 and $100 bills.  One night, I am at the mall and I am doing some shopping.  So I go into this store and get whatever it is I need to get.  I see that the line is long and when I finally am second in line, it happens!  The person in front of me, who only had ONE item, proceeds to pay for their item...with a $100 bill!  Then I hear it, "Sir, do you happen to have anything smaller?"  The answer:  No.  The manager comes out and two more co-workers come out and attempted (not tried) to break the bill, but found that they did not have it in NONE of the other registers!  I wasn't the only other person getting highly irritated, but others behind me as well.  My patience was being tested and it was failing miserably!  One person behind me even offered to make change for the strapped store clerks, but was refused.  Then, they did the inevitable:  They went to the store next to it to see if they can make change.  ARGH!  So I couldn't take it anymore and I left! 

  I inherited a lot of great stuff from my parents, but the one thing I inherited from my father was the inability to tolerate people's mispronouncing of words and having to correct them.  That's genetics for ya!  My mom is the biggest offender in this department.  Both me and my dad correct her on a daily basis and I've got to say that my dad has gotten used to it and I am the one still adjusting.  I went to ScareFest for the premiere book signing of Zak Bagans' book  "Dark World" and I brought him something.  Little good will gift.  They were Nik-L-Nip Wax bottles.  So, I'm waiting in the line and my turn came and I handed him the gift.  Here's the enhanced conversation with the little EVPs from my mind.

Zak:  Nik-Ill-Lips...?  Nik-Er-Hips?

Me:  **Laughing**

My mind:  Zak, you're pissing me off!  It's Nik-L-Nips, you IDIOT!!

Zak:  Okay, Nickel Lips...**laughing**

Me:  Yeah, whatever, dude **laughing**

My Mind:  Ugh!  I should've corrected him! 

  Now, I was not about to correct someone I like and care for so an exception had to be made.  But, in this case, I think he was saying it deliberately to joke around with me.  Love ya, Zak, thanks for the laugh!


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