Tuesday, December 20, 2011

It's All About Music

  Let me just start off by saying that I love music.  I love all kinds of music!  I grew up watching the ORIGINAL MTV.  Gladly, I do not watch today's version of MTV.  In my opinion, I think MTV should change its name to Shit Reality Television (SRTV) because that is what it has evolved into.  I used to watch Nina Blackwood, Mark Goodman, JJ Jackson (RIP), Martha Quinn and Alan Hunter.  Now I cannot stand to turn on MTV without hearing the sob stories and drama of "Teen Moms."  To this I want to scream, 'WHERE'S THE FUCKING MUSIC?!"  Geez!

  And you can forget about VH1 too!  They, too, sold their souls to the Ratings devil and have given us "Love and Hip Hop" and "Flavor of Love."  Now, I am not going to lie to you but I did watch "Flavor of Love" for two and a half seasons.  Why, you ask?  I love comedy, what can I say?

  But I digress...

  I love music and I've grown up around all types of music.  But, I am a huge fan of the following genre:  Metal.

  Let's start with metal.  My uncle was the first to introduce me to the genre.  One day, he took me to a record store and got me my first 45.  Here I was, four years old and I'm buying my very record and what did I pick out?  Quiet Riot's "Cum on Feel Da Noize."  I go, pay for it, take it home and BOOM!  My life changed forever.  Goodbye, nursery rhymes.  Hello, Quiet Riot!  My first concert I ever went to occured in September 1988.  Def Leppard/Queensryche.  A friend of my aunt's backed out at the last minute.  Mom had to go out.  Grandparents were in Atlantic City (as usual).  Uncles were out of town.  She had to watch me so why not subject me to an extreme form of babysitting, defy the family and take me to a concert. 

  So we get there and the place was packed to the gills so my aunt was hanging onto me for dear life.  So we get there and the concert started out with Queensryche.  And then on came Def Leppard!  Here's where my love of the band began with that first concert.  Their music blew my mind away!  But I was even more blown further away by Rick Savage's hair!  It...was...the shit!  It was big!  It was perfect!  And man, did it frighten the life out of me!  Hey, I was 7!  I had never seen hair that big before in my life. 

  I have been a fan eversince!  I am hooked and, if you even attempt to tell that "What has nine arms and sucks" joke, I am going to have to kick your ass!

  But I am open to listening to just about any type of music there is.  I have been listening to a lot of Electronic and Dubstep.  I have DJ friends who do mixes and I cannot help but to download them, burn them onto CDs and blare them in my car.  And I do mean BLARE them to the point where my windows shake.  Want to know what would be cool?  A dubstep mix all about me!  I would love that for my birthday.  The Velma Dubstep Mix! 

  Now going to go listen to some more. 

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