Wednesday, December 14, 2011

There Is Nothing Good On TV Anymore!

  Within this day in age of computer technology and the WWW super highway, it seems that the rage that was the television is gradually losing its luster.  What was once the zenith of the 20th century is being left in the dust of the Smartphone-using 21st century.  However, every now and then, when I do look at the stuff that is on the television, I am finding that I am only watching the following:  "Ghost Adventures," Food Network, the occasional episodes of the CSI series and whatever "World's Dumbest" is churning out on TruTV.  I have become disillusioned with what is being put onto TV these days.  It's become nothing but a breeding ground for half-hearted reality shows, remakes and fodder churned out by Yes Men writers for television production companies. 

  In this year alone, EIGHTY-SIX television shows have either gotten chopped or have bowed out gracefully.  I will now give you examples of shows that have done the following. 

1)  Big Love.  I love Bill Paxton!  He is an incredible actor.  I loved him when he played Simon in "True Lies" and Fred Haise in "Apollo 13."  But, when he played Bill in this wonderful, and sorely missed, HBO series, he had me convinced right off the bat that he was a polygamist living in Utah, hoping to give his sister wives and children a better life without being detected whilst dealing with his very much extended family that is out to destroy him.  At least that's MY take on things.  This show is an example of bowing out gracefully.  And the ending left me sad because Bill's character was revealed to have died at the end.  Tragic.

2)  Charlie's Angels.  This show is an example of revamping an otherwise classic TV show.  However, in this case, ABC assumed it could cash in on the late great Farrah Fawcett's death by digging up the show that made her a star...for one season.  Yeah, Farrah left Charlie's Angels after one season, but she came back in the third and even appeared in the fourth.  Sorry, but can you please stop messing with my childhood for ratings?!  The only exception I make in the revamping department is "Hawaii Five-O." 

3)  The Playboy Club.  I have nothing against Hugh Hefner.  He revolutionized the way we live, especially in the Bedroom Department and defined cool in a lot of ways.  Now, back in the day, they had such clubs and it was soon exposed and toppled by Gloria Steinem and the Feminist Movement.  The show brought up old wounds of the past and I think that is the reason why it got the axe after one episode.  They didn't want to risk stirring up that Hornet's nest again.

4)  Hannah Montana.  NO!  SAY IT AIN'T SO!!  Yes, to those of you out there who did not know this, but Miley Cyrus and her dad are moving on to greener pastures.  However, those pastures are in the land of Music.  Thank god!  Now, I only caught a few shows and even downloaded one of her songs.  Yeah, even I fell under the spell of Miley-Mania for a while there!  But, then again, if you have seen the tabloids you will understand why this show went away.  Broken Marriages and, to be quite honest, she's growing up and so are the rest of her fans.

5)  The Paul Reiser Show.  Yeah, even I had no idea that he was staging a comeback, either.  Guess that's why it was cancelled after two episodes because everyone was too busy paying attention to Kim Kardashian's wedding to catch the big premiere.  Enough said.

6)  All My Children.  Now that Susan Lucci finally won her Emmy, one of the longest running soap operas is now going to retire from the screen.  And guess who still doesn't care that it's gone?  Any guesses??

7)  House of Payne.  This was a show that I enjoyed for some time and was shocked to hear that it, too, was 86-ed.  I love Tyler Perry!  He writes some great stuff!  I just loved "Madea's Family Reunion!"  Especially the part where the woman who was getting beat up by her fiance finally got his comeuppance when she threw RED HOT Grits at him and beat the living shit out of him with a cast iron skillet.  "Gritball"!  YES!  But, I digress...  I blame the Economy on this cancellation.

  In conclusion, Television is not what it used to be any more.  It has now been swallowed up by Teen Moms, Dancing with Stars, Celebrity Rehabs and the Kardashians.  That is why everybody is online today because the once beloved Boob Toob has been swallowed up by Phony Reality.  It's Official!  TV has been declared legally DEAD!

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