Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Growin' Up 80s!

  It seems that the best decade ever is coming back in a huge way.  It's coming back in music, fashion, television, etc.  It's all over and...I'm kinda liking it.  Now, I was born in 1981 so I came in a little at the beginning of this great decade.  When I look around now and I see all these trends, I start to remember things.  For instance, I went to an event recently and there were these two girls dressed in leotards, head bands and leg warmers.  Oh, my god!  I remember when almost every teenaged girl in my neighborhood wore that stuff! 

  However, as is with anything coming back into popularity, in comes some stuff we wish would've stayed in the decade it came from.  Here are some things from the 80s I wish would just have stayed in the 80s.

  1)  Rubik's Cube.  When this came out in the 80s, everybody clamored to get one and see if they can solve it.  Some people could solve it in just minutes, but for most the end result was it being thrown across countless rooms and even through windows.  I remember everyone in my household trying to solve it only to get so frustrated they all screamed "FUCK THIS!" and threw it to the next person in line.  To this day, I still cannot solve it!

  2)  Legwarmers.  As I said, I remember every teenaged girl wearing these.  However, that was then, this is now.  It was trendy then, but now you look completely ridiculous!  Take them off and deliver them back to 1985 IMMEDIATELY!

  3)  The Mullet.  **Disgruntled sigh**  This should've stayed in the 80s, but, tragically it has festered and spread to trailer parks all over the South and even had a cult following when it was sported by Billy Ray Cyrus in the 1990s.

  4)  Wearing socks and heels at the same time.  My mom tried to do this in the 1980s and it was an abject failure.  I tried it last week and I looked like a frickin' moron.  Ugh!

  I also began to notice that today's Pop Culture is repeating almost everything that happened in the 80s.  This year saw the marriage of Prince William to Kate Middleton.  30 years before, his father, Prince Charles, married his mother, Lady Diana Spencer.  In the 1980s, everybody was obsessed with getting rich and working on Wall Street.  Today, we still are obsessed with being rich, but in this trying Economy, we are forced to OCCUPY WALL STREET rather than work there. 

  Another trend I've noticed is in the music industry.  Back in the 1980s, Madonna came onto the scene and changed fashion, causing every teenaged girl and young woman to dress in slutty outfits and put a fake mole above their lips.  Today, it's Lady Gaga and she didn't change fashion, she turned it upside down and every teenaged girl and young woman are now wearing heel-less shoes and Diet Coke cans in their hair.  Michael Jackson became the King of Pop in the 80s.  Today, now that he is gone, that seat is being vied for.  Sorry, but Michael Joseph Jackson will forever be the King of Pop and there will be no talk of filling his role as The King of Pop.  Move on! 

  The 80s was a kick ass time that has given us so many wonderful musical acts, fashion trends and had even given birth to the Age of Gaming.  We have the 80s to thank for so many things that are part of our society today.  Laptops, Cell Phones, Computers, the list is endless.  So, as my way of paying tribute, I will post my top five BEST Music Memories from said era.  Enjoy!

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