Monday, December 26, 2011

Let's Talk Paranormal! Part Three: EVPs

  This area of paranormal investigating has got to be one of my absolute favorites.  The reason why it's my favorite is because I find it to be a lot of fun sitting in the dark with a digital recorder or two and being able to ask questions.  When I started out, one of the first things I bought was a digital recorder.  I remember testing it out, making sure I knew what buttons to push. 

  Now, the first lesson I learned was that with Electronic Voice Phenomenon, or EVP, is that it is a "hit or miss" deal.  Sometimes, you capture a crystal clear voice, sometimes you just get dead air.  I know some people sit for hours trying to capture an EVP, but get absolutely nowhere.  Some investigations that I've been on, I've done just short five to ten minute sessions and have gotten some pretty good stuff. 

  The rules I learned when doing an EVP session is to always, ALWAYS tag if I move or say anything.  I learned this the hard way at the Stanley Hotel in Room 418 and Zak Bagans reprimanded me for it.  Sorry, Zak.  Now, thanks to this rule, any time I walk, sniff, move my butt, whatever, I always say "Tag walking, farting, sniffling, etc." 

  Plus, you have to have a lot of patience.  That's just me saying.  You can't just ask one or two questions and move on.  You've got to be willing to sit five, ten minutes or more.  Plus, do an immediate review soon after.  You never know what you might catch.  After the investigation, note your time and review it further.  You never know, you could've captured a Class A. 

  Aside from Zak, Nick and Aaron, the other people that I have learned a lot from in regards to EVPs are Mark and Debby Constantino, who capture EVPs like no one else in the world.  A great example of their work has got to be the EVP they caught inside the Goldfield Hotel basement.  This is a fantastic example of a Class A EVP that I've ever seen. 

  So, follow these rules that I've learned.  When you've got it down, make it a habit.


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