Friday, December 30, 2011

Velma's Dating Proviso

  I never really dated much and gave it and men a break for a while for a reason.  To reiterate my story, I was in a relationship and it was twisted and toxic.  So I got the hell out of it before things got worse.  I had to before I found myself backed into a corner and contemplating suicide.  I chose life!  Thank god!

  I am going to give this whole dating and relationships thing another try.  I have a feeling that in the end I will find someone and I will be happy with the end result.  I just needed to take a breather and regroup.  Now, I have tried almost all the online dating services out there and just doesn't work out!  I either go and meet them and they either not what I'm looking for or they just stand me up and I don't see them at all. 

  If you wish to take me out on a date, let it be known to you men out there that I am a pretty easy person to please.  However, I am not one for fancy restaurants and lovey dovey cutsy wootsy stuff.  That's for wusses!  I like to be spontaneous and just hang out with the boys.  If you want to include your friends, you are more than welcome to bring me into the fold.  I like that!  I like to be considered one of the boys and to be friends with my man's friends.  I just like spontaneity, good times and laughs.  That's that.

  So, make note of this:

1)  Spontaneity
2)  Good Times
3)  Laughs
4)  Doing Unexpected Stuff At the Last Minute

  Intimacy will happen, but only after a series of dates and getting to know each other better.  I am not THAT easy!  Then again, when we're ready we will tell each other.

  However, if you and I feel like things aren't working out, you better damn well tell me so.  I got left in the dark in my last relationship and you know how that turned out.  In addition, DO NOT STAND ME UP!  I had gotten quite used to guys standing me up on dates.  Please do not do this to me!  I do not need another check mark in my "Stood Up" book.  It's too full to begin with.

  Now with that said, if you know a single guy (between the ages of 30 to 38) who likes the above in a woman, send him my way or set us up.  With our permission, of course.  In addition, and these are optional, he must like the paranormal, rock concerts, Def Leppard and hate cutsy wootsy lovey dovey stuff. 

  Until then, I will continue praying and thinking positive thoughts.  Okay...Inhaling...


  1. You deserve noting but the best in a boyfriend or husband later down the road if that is something you would want. You are an amazing person with one of the kindest hearts I know. Your sense of humor is fun and always makes me laugh. If any man can't see what took others only seconds to see then he's not worthy of you. What others have seen is your kind heart and good humor that you’re a good listener and you speak your mind which is a good thing as few have the guts to. This is a very admirable quality. This is something that I have liked about you. This is one of your best blogs Velma. And I know someday you will find the man that will be the one you have been waiting for and it will be exactly what you want. May take time but you will find it.

    With great respect always Velma,

  2. Velma, my dear, you're on the right path. I've always told you there's someone out there being "prepared" for you. When the time is right and you're both ready, he'll be brought across your path, either for the first time or it will be someone that's already crossed your path....and NO, not the toxic one. I applaud you for making known what you will and will not tolerate. Taking a breather from men and romance sounds like it was the right thing for you to do for a season of time. It's made you wiser and more ready for that special man. Maybe 2012 is THE year. And even if it isn't, look at it this'll be steps closer to that right man and right time. Wishing you much love and happiness in the New Year and beyond. (Your best blog yet, by the way!!!)
